Monday, March 9, 2009

Get a Load of This Moron!

Note how this idiot accepts no responsibility for her ineptitude. Note how she whines because she was made to "feel stupid".

Guess what? She IS stupid!!!!!

But this is a direct result of the way that these pitiful little snowflakes are raised: they are praised for doing even the most trivial things. Hence if something is difficult for them, it must be the fault of the course/professor, etc.

Your first "F" in a 100 level course??? You are a senior and making an F in a 100 level course? That says something about YOU and how trivial your "show and tell" degree program is.

My hope is that anyone who might employ this imbecile would find this on the internet and not hire her.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Call From My Yoga Teacher

My yoga teacher called me yesterday. She said: "I want you to help me learn a headstand".

This is the version I do (though I sometimes lift with straight legs for an added challenge)

This is more advanced than what I do; when I do the straight legged lift I don't do it from a straddle.

Nevertheless I am excited. The last time my teacher tried a headstand she bent way over like this:

And then put the crown of her head on the ground. The spotter's job was to stand in front of her (her back to you) and then move her hips and butt toward vertical; in other words I will be putting my hands on her ass!

I am motivated...