Monday, December 29, 2008

Israel has gone too far this time.

The Daily Kos is a liberal blog. Many members are Jewish who are very, very supportive of Israel.

Now you see the following as a recommended diary:

Today I end my support of Israel Hotlist

Sun Dec 28, 2008 at 11:07:48 AM PST

Like davidminzer, I'm Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I've been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I've always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace.

I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.

Well, I haven't forgotten. And so to honor that pledge, to honor the memory of my family members who died in those death camps and because "there comes a time when silence is betrayal", today I finally and publicly end my support for the state of Israel.

I do this with great pain in my heart, but nonetheless with the overwhelming conviction that it is the only right thing to do. I was patient: I tolerated the destruction of the Oslo process by refusing to end or slow down the constant and criminal construction of settlements. I held my nose and stood my ground when Barak killed the final status negotiations at Taba 2001. I even remained loyal after Sharon's massacres in the West Bank, the brutal Annexation wall, the illegal "selective assassinations" and Olmert's war crimes in Lebanon.
I had to defend Israel and Israelis with my friends and others who demanded I be consistent with my progressive views and oppose a country that was responsible for horrible crimes against innocent human beings. "Israelis are scared, they are traumatized, you have to understand...", "Israel is responding to attacks on itself, tell me one other country that wouldn't respond when attacked...", I demanded understanding, I pleaded for a fair and comparative analysis.

ENOUGH. I'm done justifying crimes against humanity by a country that claims to be an illuminated western democracy. I'm done defending a country that is unwilling to grant self-determination to a neighboring people because it won't let go of a few settlements and divide a city. I'm done tolerating the slaughtering of innocent kids, the murderous and barbaric occupation of an impoverished people, the utter disregard for human life.
Fuck them.
If they think their daily peace of mind is worth the lives of hundreds of innocent people, Fuck them.
What the diary author is talking about is this:

GAZA CITY: The Israeli Air Force on Saturday launched a massive attack on Hamas targets throughout Gaza in retaliation for the recent heavy rocket fire from the area, hitting mostly security headquarters, training compounds and weapons storage facilities, the Israeli military and witnesses said.

Dr. Muawiya Hassanein, the head of emergency services at the Gaza Ministry of Health, said at least 140 Palestinians were killed in the raid.

Most were members of the security forces of Hamas, the Islamic group that controls Gaza, but a few civilians were also among the dead, including children. Scores more Palestinians were wounded.

Even if the immorality of killing civilians doesn't bother you, remember that much of the Middle East views Israel and the United States as being linked.

Sure, there is blame to go around, but there is no question that Israel is being seen as the bully this time around.

And remember where Israel is getting much of its aid from:

Since the 1970s, Israel has been one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid.[16] While it is mostly military aid, in the past a portion was dedicated to economic assistance. In 2004, the second-largest recipient of economic foreign aid from the United States was Israel, second to Iraq. In terms of per capita value Israel ranks first.[17]

In 2007, the United States increased its military aid to Israel by over 25% to an average of $3 billion per year for the following ten year period, while ending economic aid.[18][19]

In 1998, Israeli, congressional, and Administration officials agreed to reduce U.S. $1.2 billion in Economic Support Funds (ESF) to zero over ten years, while increasing Foreign Military Financing (FMF) from $1.8 billion to $2.4 billion. Separate from the scheduled cuts, there was an extra $200 million in anti-terror assistance, $1.2 billion to implement the Wye agreement, and the supplemental appropriations bill assisted for another $1 billion in FMF for the 2003 fiscal year. For the 2005 fiscal year, Israel received $2.202 billion in FMF, $357 million in ESF, and migration settlement assistance of $50 million. For 2006, the Administration has requested $240 million in ESF and $2.28 billion in FMF. H.R. 3057, passed in the House on June 28, 2005, and in the Senate on July 20, approves these amounts. House and Senate measures also support $40 million for the settlement of migrants from the former Soviet Union and take note of Israel's plan to bring remaining Ethiopian Jews to Israel in three years.[citation needed]

Israeli press reported that Israel is requesting about $2.25 billion in special aid in a mix of grants and loan guarantees over four years, with one-third to be used to relocate military bases from the Gaza Strip to Israel in the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the rest to develop the Negev and Galilee regions of Israel and for other purposes, but none to help compensate settlers or for other civilian aspects of the disengagement. An Israeli team has visited Washington to present elements of the request, and preliminary discussions are underway. No formal request has been presented to Congress. In light of the costs inflicted on the United States by Hurricane Katrina, an Israeli delegation intending to discuss the aid canceled a trip to Washington.

Congress has legislated other special provisions regarding aid to Israel. Since the 1980s, ESF and FMF have been provided as all grant cash transfers, not designated for particular projects, transferred as a lump sum in the first month of the fiscal year, instead of in periodic increments. Israel is allowed to spend about one-quarter of the military aid for the procurement in Israel of defense articles and services, including research and development, rather than in the United States. Finally, to help Israel out of its economic slump, the U.S. provided $9 billion in loan guarantees over three years, use of which has since been extended to 2008. As of July 2005, Israel had not used $4.9 billion of the guarantees.

So, whereas I acknowledge that Israel grants better rights to those who live in its borders than the other countries do in that region, the current aggression is unacceptable, given that it comes from a country that is mostly propped up by the United States.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Bad Case of the I don't Wants

Ugh, I simply hate the winter holiday season.

I live in a small Midwestern rustbelt town where it is often cold during the winter. I have never liked the cold but this is where the job was. It pays ok; but it will be tough to leave as I have a child (through my 300 + pound ex wife) and I am obligated (rightfully so) to make child support payments.

So, I am stuck with a job I don't want in a place where I don't want to live.

Also, mistake number 2: I did remarry; I have a wife I don't want in a place I don't want to live at a job I don't want (mostly teaching students who don't want to learn).

And, well, there is no way out, at least for another 4-8 years.

Still, this is tolerable until the winter holiday season when I am forced to take the winter holiday trip to bring my daughter back to this *hit hole where I live.

That means either a long drive that I don't want to take or flying on today's airlines; this past trip featured a flight cancellation, lost bags and being given the run-around, stuck with an extra night's hotel, etc.

Frankly, I'll throw a party when American Airlines goes under; I am never flying those *ssholes again.

And of course, there is spending holiday time with people I don't want to associate with; either my in-laws (fat, stupid, noisy, obnoxious people) or my own family (same).


If I can switch jobs, I'll make this non-negotiable demand: NO WINTER HOLIDAY.


Are there good things? Of course, the employment is steady and it doesn't feature back breaking work or breathing toxic fumes (except for the polluted city air), some of the students are ok and my work colleagues are actually fine people.

I have some close by places to work out (pools, trails, etc.) and my daughter really is healthy (ask anyone who has a seriously sick kid) and economically, whereas I won't like paying off the car repair and trip bills, I am doing fine (usually no balance on the credit cards, etc.)

It isn't as if I am ready to Go Santa on anyone. (though it wouldn't have broke my heart if Santa had done the American Airlines executives prior to doing himself in).

Friday, December 19, 2008

What is it with these fundie pastors?

Of course, liberals are up in arms that the nauseatingly ignorant and bigoted Rick Warren has been picked to do the invocation for Obama's inauguration.

But I've noticed that Warren, like the late Jerry Falwell, is obese.

Is gluttony still a sin these-a-days?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Getting College Students Ready For the Workforce

I've had some time to think as it is final exam season at many universities. Some places of higher learning are just that: they seek to educate students; to not only give them access to knowledge but also to teach them how to learn and to love learning.

But many other places have become de-facto "credential obtaining" and "job training" centers; the idea is to give the students the tools which will optimize their chances for success in the workplace.

Ok, given that one works at such a place, one might have the following quandary: a not so talented C student asks for help (via e-mail) on a take home exam; they have had a week to complete it but the e-mail pleading for help is sent on Saturday evening when the assignment is due on Monday?

Then the little snowflake asks if she "could possibly get a B" for the course (uh...maybe with a brain transplant?)

But the snowflake does wear low cut blouses and mini skirts to class and, frankly, looks good in them.

So: given that her chances of getting ahead in the work place by her brain power is minimal (ok, of measure zero) but that she looks good enough to sleep her way up the ladder, does the faculty member have an ethical obligation to let her have some practice this, "talent"?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin's plan to encourage Bible Reading

We know that Sarah Palin (McCain's pick for VP) has trouble with church-state issues.

So I am wondering if this is really her plan to inspire more Bible reading?

Note: this is a post of the "what if we were like Corsi" variety.

Monday, July 7, 2008

An open letter to those who pass on "Obama is a Muslim" e-mail messages and the like.

You've seen the smears.

This is Obama leading the Pledge of Allegiance in the United States Senate.

Obama took his oath of office on his family Bible:

Obama has been a Christian for years. He describes his conversion from being "faithless" to Christianity in his book Dreams From My Father on page 295; note that this book was published in 1995.

Note that he had been a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ for about 19 years until recently:

So: stop spreading these lies. If you want to vote for John McCain: you are entitled to your choice for President. You are NOT entitled to your own facts.


Friday, July 4, 2008

May Jesse Helms Rot!

I'd say "may he rot in hell" but I don't believe in hell.


After nearly a quarter century in the Senate, Helms understands how a determined minority of one can influence the national agenda. Whether he is suggesting that the commander in chief needs a bodyguard or demanding that Fidel Castro leave Cuba "in a vertical or horizontal position," Helms is well-known for his use of innuendo and diversion. Even the Republican Party treats him as a rogue elephant, powerful yet dangerously erratic. But the recent GOP stampede has given Helms a respected position from which to trumpet his bitter opposition to abortion, gay rights, racial equality, arts funding, and aid to what he calls "foreign rat holes."

His agenda is driven by a lifelong opposition to democracy and diversity. In his first months as Foreign Relations chair, Helms called for tougher sanctions against Cuba, accused Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide of unleashing "vigilance committees," and moved to gut support for developing nations. On the home front, he introduced a bill to eliminate all affirmative action programs, which he denounced as "reverse discrimination at the hands of ruthless bureaucrats."

How did someone so mean-spirited end up in a position to act on his divisive politics? For the most part, Helms wins political battles by keeping the spotlight on the morality plays he stages. To hear conservatives tell it, Helms is a personal friend of Jesus Christ, a populist defender of the little guy, and a bitter opponent of big government.

Shifting the spotlight reveals a different Helms. A former bank lobbyist whose fundraising machine has been fined for breaking federal campaign laws, Helms favors a big-spending, activist government--one that aids those in economic power. He voted to bail out the savings and loan industry, for example, and has seldom met a big-ticket missile system he didn't like. By contrast, he has voted to slash school lunches for impoverished children, medical care for disabled veterans, prescription drugs for the elderly, and wages for working families (see "On the record," below).

"Looking at the record, people ought to understand that Helms is not representing them on the great majority of issues," says Rep. Melvin Watt, a North Carolina Democrat. "They perceive that he stands up for the little guy, but he really stands up for rich people rather than poor and working-class people."


The strategy that helped Republicans sweep to power last November is one that Jesse Helms perfected decades ago. "Jesse Helms understood before anyone else that the proverbial angry white male feels the most aggrieved, and is therefore the most likely to vote," says Larry Sabato, a professor of government at the University of Virginia. "Jesse Helms was an angry white male before most of his compatriots were. He should have been lucky enough to be on the ballot in '94. He would have won easily."

Unlike many of his Republican counterparts, Helms has changed little over the past 50 years. Long before Rush Limbaugh, Helms pioneered the use of television to rally public sentiment. While Ronald Reagan was losing primaries to Gerald Ford, Helms mobilized the religious right and built one of the most profitable political fundraising machines ever. And long after die-hard segregationists like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond began courting black voters, Helms fueled white fears by opposing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whistling "Dixie" while standing next to Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, and supporting apartheid in South Africa.

"His racial politics are deeply held convictions, not simply politics of convenience," says Christopher Scott. "He has a view of a fundamentalist Christian society in which everyone is not welcome. If you could pick up the South Africa of 20 years ago and transplant it to America, that's what he would do."

Born in Monroe, N.C., in the fall of 1921, Helms grew up in a segregated world not unlike the one of apartheid. He dropped out of college to work full time as a reporter before discovering the two arenas that would shape his career: broadcasting and politics. He learned about radio as a Navy recruiter during World War II and stuck with the emerging medium as news director of a fledgling station in Raleigh. And he was an "unofficial" researcher for conservative Willis Smith, whose 1950 Senate campaign is still considered one of the meanest and most racially divisive in the country's history. (One of Smith's ads featured a doctored photo of the incumbent's wife dancing with a black man. Helms has denied any involvement, but a newspaper advertising manager later told Helms biographer Ernest Furgurson that Helms personally cut up the photos.)

Smith won, and Helms was rewarded with a job as staff administrative assistant. In 1953, Helms returned to North Carolina as executive director of the state's banking association, spending the next seven years fighting to enrich his bosses. He won a seat on the Raleigh City Council and, in 1960, took a job as a TV commentator. He spent the decade railing against King, "Negro hoodlums," the media, "sex perverts," and anyone on welfare. As he explained in one of his nightly five-minute broadcasts, "A lot of human beings have been born bums."

Since Helms won election to the Senate, no "bums" have felt his rage as fiercely as citizens of poor nations. Over the years, the senator has proposed hundreds of measures to slash foreign aid, overthrow governments he doesn't like, and block administration policies. As the new chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, he has made it clear that his first priority is to enact deeper cuts to a foreign aid budget already slashed nearly 30 percent in the past decade.

"The fact is that the American people are sick and tired of this whole foreign aid concept anyhow," Helms said last year. "I find myself wishing that somehow we could put it on a national ballot and say: 'What do you think of this?'"

Those cuts will hit hardest in the Third World, where Helms has long been a staunch ally of right-wing military rulers like Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Raoul Cedras in Haiti, and Roberto D'Aubuisson in El Salvador. Confronted with evidence that D'Aubuisson directed death squads to murder civilians, Helms made it clear that some things are more important than human life. "All I know," he replied, "is that D'Aubuisson is a free enterprise man and deeply religious."

Rot you worthless bigot; I am glad that you are dead!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hold Fox News Accountable

I got the following letter in my e-mail inbox:

Dear Friends,

Right now, Fox News is trying to paint Barack Obama as foreign, un-American, suspicious, and scary. They're trying to send Americans the message that our country's first viable Black candidate for President is not "one of us."

I've joined on to's campaign to push back on Fox, publicly demanding they stop their race-baiting and fear mongering. If that doesn't work, then we'll go to their advertisers and the FCC. I wanted to invite you to sign on as well. It takes only a moment:

Here's what happened recently:

After Senator Obama won the nomination, he and his wife gave each other a "pound" in front of the cameras. Fox anchor E.D. Hill called the act of celebration a "terrorist fist jab." Then last week, a Fox News on-screen graphic referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama's baby mama"--slang used to describe the unmarried mother of a man's child. It was a clear attempt to associate the Obamas with negative cultural stereotypes about Black people, an insult not only to Michelle Obama but to women and Black people everywhere.

After each of the incidents mentioned, Fox issued some form of weak apology. But what does it mean when you slap someone in the face, apologize the next day, then slap them again on the third? It means the apology is meaningless.

These aren't one-time incidents--they're part of a pattern that continues no matter how often Fox is forced to apologize. Fox has a clear record of attacking and undermining Black institutions, Black leaders, and Black people in general.

If we don't push back now, we will see more of the same from now until November. Please join me in helping to bring an end to Fox's behavior.


To see the kind of BS that they are talking about:

More on Obama

No, I don't like his backing the compromise on the FISA bill (even if he says that he'll work to get immunity taken out). But I do think that he is worth electing. Evidently the wingnuts are scared of him.

David Horsey has an interesting cartoon:

Other topics

Yoga was fun; my yoga teacher has a charming way of pushing her butt out when she bends over to pick up her yoga candles.

No that isn't her, but that is the "kind of bend-over".

Also, one of the other yoginis proved that some slender women really do have cute butts. :-)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

when humility pays off

In yoga class, I ended up moving to the back row so as to be able to use the back wall for balance.

It turns out that there were two "easy on the eyes" yoginis in the row in front of the one I moved to; so it wasn't all bad. ;-)

Sure, their Warrior I poses suck, but who cares? :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Uncontacted Tribes

For more, lots more, go to this link.

Still, I think that firing arrows at an airplane is downright comical. Sure, they don't know what the plane is, but I'll tell you this: if some group or thing that had technology well beyond what we had came around, I sure as hell wouldn't shoot at it. I'd think "those people/beings could kill me easily; I had better be nice to them!"

Note: the women are in black body paint.....actually I'll bet that they are pretty hot!

Note that these folks don't even get colds; I wonder if they do get sick from time to time, and if they do, is it from diseases transmitted by animals? Or do some local viruses mutate enough to become diseases for these people?

Some interesting video

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sights at the Public Gym

I work out at a public gym. Frankly, most of the folks there are, in physical terms, train wrecks. Sure you do have some physically fit types (triathletes, weight lifters who could lift the whole gym at once), but mostly you have fat middle aged people.

This is what most people do around here. :-)

Still, there are some nice, um, sights. Today, I did some run/walk on the track; I am a walker who is trying to reintroduce some running into my program. There were two younger ladies; one was dark haired (almost dyed jet black) and wore grey spandex; the other was a bit taller and wore pastel green not-as-tight spandex. But both of them were asking to be butt-cupped!

Yesterday, I took a yoga-lattes class; the woman in front of me had on white shorts that were hiked up as much as possible; she had on striped underpants underneath. Yep; she had a good shape too.

In short, there is some good to counteract the bad; for every fat woman there is on the track who is going round and round at 25 minutes a mile while yelling on her cell phone "...yeah, she sez......" there is some babe to brighten my day.

Or for every one on the right, there is one on the left...

And there are always races:

Friday, June 13, 2008

I've just added a post

What do you believe about evolution, creationism and/or intelligent design? Take the poll and find out (also on the sidebar of this blog)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What I love about walking

I am one of those folks who likes to walk long distances; on occasion I've completed marathon walks and, on three occasions, walks of 100 miles.

There are many things I like about such events, and this is one of them: the sights!

No, I didn't take these, and I wonder how the person who did avoid getting slapped. These appear to be taken near the Chicago Lakefront; I've finished three 50K walks there.

This person isn't an athletic walker, but she is still a lot of fun to watch.

Now I need to leave for my final session to help new walkers finish a 4 mile race (we have a program called "Building Steam"); the walkers I am working with are, for the most part, overweight and undermotivated. :-)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Democratic Primary Ends

Barack Hussein Obama won the Democratic Primary last night. Many are very happy.

But some are not.

I can understand Hillary Clinton supporters being disappointed. After all, their candidate was the presumptive favorite. She even thought so:

And why not? She started with big leads in the polls and she had the big donors behind her.

But her campaign made some huge mistakes; her top campaign manager even called Obama a "flash in the pan"!

But things didn't go so well for them. As they started to get desperate, they started to loudly attack the rank and file Obama supporters.

Bill Clinton said that Obama supporters "didn't need a president".

Of his wife's recent travails, he said, "the caucuses aren't good for her. They disproportionately favor upper-income voters who, who, don't really need a president but feel like they need a change."
Bill Clinton dismissed some of Obama's wins:

Bill Clinton called Obama supporters "elitists" who don't follow the same rules as anyone else.

Bill Clinton on Barack Obama’s suppoters:

In Clarksburg, Clinton contrasted his wife’s appeal to working-class people with the elitists he says support Obama. He made the same comparison two months when he last campaigned in West Virginia, calling his wife’s critics in the party “glitterati” and “elites.”

“The great divide in this country is not by race or even income, it’s by those who think they are better than everyone else and think they should play by a different set of rules,” he said in Clarksburg. “In West Virginia and Arkansas, we know that when we see it.”

Clinton said his wife’s primary challenger has “got so much money and it’s a different electorate. It’s a little more upscale and modern … than those poor people in Texas and Ohio.”

Official Clinton surrogates called Obama supporters a collection of "African Americans and eggheads"

Obama supporters are called, well, read for yourself:

Of course, there is "he wouldn't be winning if he weren't black" comment by Geraldine Ferraro:

Then Hillary Clinton herself: she implied that Obama supporters are delusional:

She says that she has the support of hard working Americans, White Americans

Much broader base?

Oh she has a much broader something all right:

Then came her graceless, classless speech last night.

Nevertheless, Obama and his official campaign continued to show class.

But I don't have to.

Just listen to some of the more moronic stuff from some of her rank and file supporters:
Here's a sampling of the pearls of wisdom being offered at
They have totally skrewed Hillary, lets get her on the ballot ourselves!!!We need each other not the DNC or Obama, I refuse to support him! [bb]
I sincerely wish that Hillary does not accept the second slot. I just cannot and will not support the Democratic party nominee. I will vote for McCain B4 I vote for BHO. The present DNC has stabbed Hillary in the back, I cannot continuing supporting the Undemocratic party. I will always support and Vote for Hillary but cannot support Chicago mafia(BHO) [bestpresident]
Let's take this to DENVER..........She is the only one. I will never vote for BO...Neither will my family or friends..We will either not vote or vote for McCain...Oh, today I just registered and my family and friends too as INDEPENDENTS....SCREW THE DEMOCRATES.... We love HIllary with all of our heart and we will always support and back her...but what the democratic party has done to her they have done to us....ENOUGH!!!!LET THE DNC HANG THEMSELVES........................DISGUSTING!!! [caspercat]
I say run as INDEPENDENT NOW!! Obama will want Hillary to campaign for him. Hillary is much greater than that. I hope Hillary goes with the "will of the people." She is the "People's President." I will never think of BO as my President. Nope, I just cannot do it. It is about the way they treated HILLARY. Call it whatever you like, dirty politics, etc. etc. She worked so hard, and every step of the way, they tried to diminish her, even when she won her landslide victories. I say, DENVER - DENVER - DENVER - DENVER [LillaBet]

Some even resent his running at all!

And of course there are the moronic Clinton supporters who showed up at the DNC rules meeting:

No, you aren't a second class citizen, you aren't even a humanoid; barely a vertebrate perhaps. ;-)

But this was not an isolated thing:

For moronic ranting about all this supposed misogyny, go here.

Well, I (and my friends) have something to say about that:
More Things the Obama Campaign Couldn't Resist to Anger Clinton Supporters:
1. Enter the race.

2. Be so damn likable and inspirational.

3. Be a better candidate.

4. Win election contests - even in states like Iowa, Maine, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Wisconsin where hard working White people live.

5. Encourage real people to send him money.

6. Be so solid on women's issues that NARAL threw their support behind him.

7. Draw huge crowds.

8. Appropriate hip-hop gesture from Jay-Z and not look stiff doing it.

9. Establish meaningful grass roots campaign organizations in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

10. Win in the South.

11. Win in the Northwest and Mountain states.

12. Win in the Midwest.

13. Always look unflappable.

14. Play by the rules of the DNC in Michigan and Florida... just like the other Democratic candidates other than Hillary.

15. Win over superdelegates, including many formerly committed to Hillary.

16. Not cheat on his wife.

17. Give citizens hope for the future.

18. Call Hillary out on that STUPID gas tax idea.

19. Write his own game-changing, law-dropping speech on race relations.

20. Not hire Mark Penn.

And I have some things to say.

To those who voted for Hillary Clinton because you like her, or think that she is the best candidate: I am glad you worked for her.

But for the others: if you are one of those who resented Obama for even running, or thought that Obama won only because of sexism, or because the people who voted for him are delusional, or because you want a "full blooded" American, or if you are one of those "Hillary or else" types:

A few articles:

Educated People vote for Obama.

Not winning educated voters isn't a good thing.

Now others are taking the high road.

I am not. Here is what I have to say to you who will vote for John McCain in the fall or not vote:

Frankly, I am glad to purge losers like you from the Democratic party. The sooner we get rid of low-lifes such as yourself, the sooner we can become the party of winners.

Get the hell out. But my guess is that even the Repukes won't want you.