Friday, July 31, 2009

Staying up late

Going on facebook has been a real opener. I've found old classmates; almost all of them are right wing reactionaries. They got educated at government expense (service academy), got government paychecks (military), some get pensions and/or disability payments and are against taxes and government spending???


I've also found out that old flames are on there too; once I met a rounded high school girl who wore the thinnest white shorts I've ever seen; there was no challenge in seeing her tiny white nylon bikini underpants.

She is on facebook.

I got a friend request by someone else I used to ogle; she no longer looks the way that she used to. What a pity.

Still another facebook friend: years ago I saw her at a meeting in very tight, very shiny, royal blue spandex shorts. I wanted to rub her ass so badly!

Now, she couldn't fit one leg into those shorts; that is how it goes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My wife is an idiot

"Honey, the milk is spoiled; I found that out when I got my coffee this morning".


So I go to get coffee; hardly any is left; barely enough for one cup (I usually take two).

"Did you throw your coffee out?"

"Yes....what was I supposed to do?"

"There wasn't much coffee left"

"Oh.....should I have made another pot?"


I don't get enough sex to put up with this.